My Project

I cannot believe my journey through Genius Hour is already over! I feel as though I just dove headfirst into this learning process yesterday! 

I am happy to say that I feel more comfortable and confident talking about football with friends and family than I did before I started this project. While I still have a bit of work to go in this journey, I am glad that I spent the time each week to go through a different element of the game that confused me while watching initially, and to look into questions that I have asked myself. 

When I started this project, I figured that the more knowledge I gathered about football, and the more of an understanding I built about the game, my level of interest in the sport would increase. While I definitely enjoyed the environment of attending football games, and having more of an idea what people were cheering about or unhappy with in the stands, I would not say that I have built a love of football through this project. I will be happy to continue to attending both CFL and NFL games when I am able, but I do not think I will pursue continuing to follow the NFL football games on television now that I am finished this project. 

Nevertheless, I am excited that I have this new knowledge, and have an added understanding of some of the players and fan opinions on these players from engaging in this Genius Hour experience. I will definitely be hearing about the Buffalo Bills and have opportunities to attend some of their games as my boyfriend is a huge fan of them, so I am glad that I know some of the key players and the track record of the team to have some more understanding of what other Bills fans are talking about. 

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