Tuesday 8 November 2016

Tech Blasts are Over :(


Tech class has come to an end, but my journey of incorporating instructional and assistive technology into my classroom has not!

I cannot believe how much I have grown as an educator through taking this Tech class. At the beginning of the year I was intimidated by this course, as technology is not something that I have ever felt a strong passion or connection with. Before this course, I tended to avoid creating lesson plans that involved the use of educational technology programs, trying to adhere more to the paper and pencil, traditional style of teaching resources.

Now, after these few weeks, I find myself increasingly creating plans that involve different apps on the iPad, and using web 2.0 tools that I learned about in this class. Even though at times this class did seem slightly overwhelming as I was learning to use a program and create something at the same time, I am glad that I went through the struggle of learning how to use programs and websites so that I will know what my students might struggle with as well.

Nevertheless, I have changed my perspective from being scared and shying away from using technology in the classroom, to knowing what websites are effective for different tasks, and to being able to see how technology can truly enhance the classroom experience. I am very glad I took this class, and am excited to start using some of the resources I used in this course in my teaching block!!

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